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Kid Power


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Loyola Multipurpose Room


Wed, Oct 28, 2015 - Wed, Oct 28, 2015


7:00 to 8:30


Kid Power

This workshop will help adult caregivers practice how to help kids be and act aware and confident, check with adults if anything seems unsafe, move away from possible problems, follow stranger safety rules, stay safe from hurtful words, use voice as a safety tool, set clear boundaries, say "no" or "stop" clearly and respectfully, deal with other kids poking, pushing, grabbing, etc, use safety plans if lost in a store, park or library, get help from busy adults - and persist People Safety skills help youngsters learn and use age-appropriate skills to have safer, more positive experiences with others. This workshop is for parents and guardians, and is intended for adults, sorry no child care. Log on to the following to register:

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