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August 24, 2017

Loyola Leaflet: It is so exciting to see everyone this first full week of school.  It has been quite the week:

  • Vocal Music started this week for our 4th grade students
  • First Fire Drill to learn about safety evacuation
  • Student assessments to develop understanding of students’ individual strengths and areas of growth
  • First Staff Meeting to review our MissionVision and review our Collective Commitments to meet our Mission and Vision

We have some fun things lined up in the week ahead, we can’t wait for the kids to come home and share what they are learning in class.  We are really looking forward to be with you:

  • Back To School Picnic - Friday, August 25th 5:30-7:30 pm
  • Instrumental Music starting for our 5th and 6th graders
  • Picture Days- August 31st and September 1st - Your child’s teacher will let you know which day.
  • Back to School Night - Thursday, August 31st
    • 6:00-6:45PM
      • Grades 4, 5 & 6 @ Classrooms
      • Primary SDC Class @ Classroom
    • ​​​​​​​6:45-7:00PM
      • ​​​​​​​Introduction of Staff @ Primary Black Top
    • ​​​​​​​7:00-7:45PM
      • ​​​​​​​Grades TK, Kindergarten,1, 2, 3 @ Classrooms
      • Upper Grade SDC Class @ Classroom
  • Minimum Day, Friday September 1st
    • TK, 1st-6th dismissed at 12:15 pm
    • Kindergarten dismissed at 12:00 pm
  • Labor Day - Monday, September 4th - NO SCHOOL


August 17, 2017

Loyola Leaflet: Yesterday was such an exciting day for our students and staff.  We had such a great time getting to know your children.  I shared with students, this year we are focused on being a “Creating Magical Learning Moments” this year.  We also discussed Behavior Expectations for students- Using “The Golden Rule, Responsibility and Respect”.  We developed a matrix last year, with input from students that describe what these behaviors look like in various settings.  In the coming weeks, we will provide instruction for students on these behavioral expectations.  More to come about our plan to increase common language and expectations for behavior across Loyola School.  We know this year we will have 430 students who will have magical learning this year.  


This year we continue to work on meeting the needs of ALL students, we are in the second year of a collaborative early release day, where we meet together every Thursday to look at students’ individual performance and needs.  Teachers work together to plan around these needs.


In other news- there are a few reminders for parents and students to remember as we think about being Behavior Expectations this year at Loyola School.  Please be courteous in the parking lot and traffic circle.  Sometimes as parents we get so busy and rushed we forget that safety is a primary importance here at the school.

When waiting for your children between dismissals, we ask that you wait in the primary covered picnic area.  Please designate a spot to meet your child at the blue primary picnic tables that are covered.  This will help our students attending class until 3:00 pm, focus better, as well as, keep our campus more secured.

Please make sure to send hats, bring a water bottle and have students wear sunscreen.  Although we are making our way into fall, it is still sunny and warm during recess and lunch.


Traffic Valet

We are looking to hire an afternoon traffic valet, so if you know of anyone, please send them our way.  We do still need a morning valet support from families, we have set a schedule for families to sign up based on grade level to take on this volunteer opportunity at our school.  Your time is greatly appreciated.  Below you will find the Signup Genius.  If you could take a slot it would greatly be appreciated.  Traffic Valet Signup Genius


Traffic Valet Schedule

Sixth- August 16- September 15

Fifth- September 18- October 20

Fourth-October 23- December 7

Third- December 11February 2

Second- February 5- March 16

First- March 19- April 27

Kindergarten- April 30- June 6


Yard Duty Help and Traffic Valet After School

Looking to get a Vitamin D fix, come hang out with us and get paid for your time.  We are looking to hire more Yard Duty Staff members.  It is one hour a week, from 11:55-12:45 daily.  Please call the school office to inquire 650-254-2400.


Solar Eclipse on Monday, August 21st.

I sent out a communication this morning about the solar eclipse.  We will extend recess and view from 10:00 am to 10:30 am.  If you wish to join us, we may have some extra glasses, if we run out, we can always share.  Please check into the school office, if you come to view the eclipse with us.


Solar Panel Project

You may notice something amiss in our parking lot.  The trees have been removed.  This was done in preparation of a district wide solar project.  The Los Altos School district is excited to do its part in preserving our environment (reducing our carbon footprint) by installing solar panels at all our school sites.  We expect to save $175,000 or more annually on our utility bills as a result of being able to grandfather our current PG&E rate structure.  In order to take advantage of this rate structure grandfathering we have a short window of opportunity—meaning the project must be completed before the end of the calendar year (December 31).  The solar panels will be on shade structures and installed in school parking lots, except at Oak School where the structures will be installed on the play area blacktop.


Construction will begin across the district on September 18th and continue for 8–10 weeks.  Temporary construction fencing is scheduled to be installed on September 18 and all work and materials will be contained within the fenced area.  Construction work will adhere to the noise and safety requirements of all local enforcement codes.


Traffic and parking will be impacted on and around the school sites during construction.  We are working with police and traffic control departments to mitigate the impacts on the school neighborhoods.  Where possible, we have made alternate parking arrangements.  LASD has partnered with GreenTown Los Altos on plans to mitigate traffic. GreenTown is working with school PTAs on the design and implementation of WoW! - walk, bike, and carpool - encouragement programs.


The District is paying for this project out of its operating budget.  No bond monies are being used.


We look forward to partnering with our community on many fronts this year.


August 17, 2017

LASD Solar Fest!

Solar Eclipse Viewing Opportunity- Information and Opt Out

On August 21, 2017, for the first time since 1918, a solar eclipse will be visible on a path across the United States.

Our School District will be in the path of a partial solar eclipse (75% at its peak). We have been busy planning to make this once in a lifetime event a unique learning experience for our students district wide. On August 21, 2017, all Loyola students (except those for whom the Opt Out Form below is turned in) will be allowed to go outside and participate in activities and view the partial solar eclipse (“Solar Eclipse Viewing”).

Classroom teachers will be providing additional details regarding viewing location for their particular class as the event approaches.

As always, student safety is our top concern. Looking directly at the sun is unsafe. The only safe way to look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through special purpose solar filters, such as “eclipse glasses”. Per NASA, homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the sun.

Our District has purchased and will provide all students and staff who attend the outdoor activities with ISO certified and NASA recommended eclipse glasses to wear during this event. Although there is no way to fully guarantee student eye safety during such a rare event, we are taking precautionary measures including pre-education to make students aware of the risks involved in directly looking at the sun. At no time should students or participants remove their eclipse glasses and look directly at the sun as it could cause permanent eye damage or other unknown effects.  You are also welcome to join us for this rare celestial event- please bring your own eclipse glasses.

Please speak with your child about the importance of following instructions and of keeping their eclipse glasses on at all times during this event. Here is an excellent NASA resource to learn more about solar eclipse and safe viewing tips.

*If you DO NOT want your child to participate in outdoor viewing activities planned on August 21 for the eclipse, please cut and paste this below and send an e-mail to me by Sunday, August 20th.  I will have alternative activities for students if you are opting them out of recess on Monday, August 21st.

I, parent/guardian of ­­­­­­­­___________________________(your child’s name) hereby DO NOT GIVE CONSENT for my son/daughter to participate in outdoor Solar Eclipse Viewing activities to view the Eclipse on August 21, 2017. I acknowledge that my child will be provided with an alternate indoor activity during the Solar Eclipse Viewing at my child’s school.


August 16, 2017


It is hard to believe, our doors will open to your wonderful children for the 2017-2018 school year in just a short amount of time.  We have many exciting plans for your children and family.  During our summer break our Blacktop, all numbers where children line up, were not all replaced.  As children arrive to school, please have children go directly to the classrooms at 8:30 am.  The staff will tell the children where to line up moving forward.  After children are dropped off, don't forget to come by the MUR and meet and greet friends and learn about our after school programs and events for the coming year while you enjoy a "cup of joe" during our Welcome Back Breakfast..

I have heard parents have been eager to hear about certain topics in the coming week.

Every Thursday is an early release collaboration day.  Please plan on picking up your child on time.  Kindergarten and Transition Kindergarten will be released every day at their typical minimum day schedule until September 11th.  Please see the schedule below for release on Thursday:

Kindergarten - 12:00 pm

Transition Kindergarten - 12:15 pm

Grades 1 & 2 - 1:25 pm

Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 - 1:45 pm

Solar Eclipse on Monday, August 21st.  The viewing will begin at 10:00am and last approximately 30 minutes. Certified protected viewing glasses will be provided for all students, and we invite you to come join us on campus during this time.  If you wish to have your child opt out of this event please let us know asap, so we can make other arrangements.  

Solar Panel Project-  If you passed by campus over the last few days to sneak a peek, you might have noticed something amiss in our parking lot.  The trees have been removed.  This was done in preparation of a district wide solar project.

The Los Altos School district is excited to do its part in preserving our environment (reducing our carbon footprint) by installing solar panels at all our school sites.  We expect to save $175,000 or more annually on our utility bills as a result of being able to grandfather our current PG&E rate structure.  In order to take advantage of this rate structure grandfathering we have a short window of opportunity—meaning the project must be completed before the end of the calendar year (December 31).  The solar panels will be on shade structures and installed in school parking lots, except at Oak School where the structures will be installed on the play area blacktop. 

Construction will begin across the district on September 18th and continue for 8–10 weeks.  Temporary construction fencing is scheduled to be installed on September 18 and all work and materials will be contained within the fenced area.  Construction work will adhere to the noise and safety requirements of all local enforcement codes.

Traffic and parking will be impacted on and around the school sites during construction.  We are working with police and traffic control departments to mitigate the impacts on the school neighborhoods.  Where possible, we have made alternate parking arrangements.  LASD has partnered with GreenTown Los Altos on plans to mitigate traffic. GreenTown is working with school PTAs on the design and implementation of WoW! - walk, bike, and carpool - encouragement programs.  Stay tuned about more details to be distributed.

The District is paying for this project out of its operating budget.  No bond monies are being used.


August 11, 2017

Welcome to Loyola Elementary School! We have an exciting new school year ahead and I would love to welcome you and your family to the school year. This year, our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 16, 2017. Our day will begin at 8:30 AM for students in grades K-6 and 8:45 AM for our TK students. Please be sure to access our school and district websites for further information about Loyola School and the Los Altos School District.

We would like to share some important information about the starting of school.

Last year was an incredible year. I can’t wait to meet new families and students to our school. Last year we created a Mission, Vision and Collective Commitments. This year we will continue our work and develop our site Strategic Plan based on the work from last year. Make sure to read the Leaflet for important information about this work. This year we will hold a New Parent Orientation meeting on August 14th at 6:00 PM in our Multi Use Room.

All documents are online for the Back to School packet. Please take time to review and complete ALL important documents, as soon as possible. It is important to the staff to have the most accurate information in case of an emergency so we can contact families in the most efficient manner. If you have any questions about your Back to School packet, feel free to call the school office at 254-2400.


REMINDER: Loyola will have a collaborative early release day every Thursday for the 2017-18 school year. This starts the first week of school (2nd day of school) and continues through our final week. HERE is the detailed schedule that you can download and print. Below is a summary of start and end times.

Grade M/T/W/F Th
TK 8:45 AM - 2:45 PM* 8:45 AM - 1:30 PM*
Kindergarten 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM* 8:30 AM - 1:15 PM*
Grades 1 & 2 8:30 AM - 2:40 PM 8:30 AM - 1:25 PM
Grades 3 thru 6 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM 8:30 AM - 1:45 PM

*From Aug 16 - Sept 8, Kindergarten will dismiss at 12PM and TK will dismiss at 12:15PM to allow students a transition period to full day as well as an opportunity for teachers to assess students and collaborate with team members to ensure your child’s success.

You will learn more about your child’s school year and classroom teacher at our annual Back to School Night. Our schedule will be as follows on Thursday, August 31 6:00PM - 7:45PM:

6:00 - 6:45 PM Grades 4 & 5 Classrooms
6:00 - 6:45 PM Grade 6 Multi-use Room
6:00 - 6:45 PM Primary SDC Class Classroom
6:45 - 7:00 PM Introduction of Staff (ALL PARENTS) Primary Black Top
7:00 - 7:45 PM Grades TK, K, 1, 2, 3 Classrooms
7:00 - 7:45 PM Upper Grade SCD Class Classroom

We are very fortunate to have excellent leadership this year in our PTA. Our PTA President - Sameer Merchant, his officers and committee chairs, who have been working hard over the summer and are excited about the activities planned for the coming year. All parents are invited to attend the Welcome Breakfast on Wednesday, August 16 at 8:30 AM in the Loyola Multi to learn more about the PTA, view a variety of after school enrichment classes and to visit Loyola friends. The Loyola PTA plays an integral role in child’s education. I hope you will support Mr. Merchant and the Loyola PTA. Your support and participation makes Loyola School a better place for every child.


Kimberly Attell, Loyola School Principal


August 8, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-2018 Loyola School Year!  I will send out another letter for class placements on Friday, August 11th at 4:00 PM.  It is hard to believe the start of school is just around the corner.  Here is our latest news:

Mon. 8/14


New Family Orientation, 6:00 - 7:00PM, Multi Use Rm

Wed. 8/16


First Day of School

Welcome Breakfast, 8:30 - 10AM, Multi Use Room

Fri. 8/25


Back-to-School Picnic, 5:30 - 7:30PM, Big Lawn

Thu. 8/31


Back-to-School Night, 6:00 - 7:45PM (adults only)

PTA Treasurer position open - Over the summer the PTA Treasurer position became vacant.  It is one of those important roles we are required to fill so we can retain our PTA non profit status.  According to our bylaws and the California PTA, a PTA is composed of not less than fifteen (15) members of whom at least three (3) shall serve in the offices of president, secretary and treasurer, respectively (Article XI, Section 2c).  So we have a dilemma as a school, we need someone to step into the role and help out with this important volunteer position.  Our treasurer serves as custodian of PTA funds, keeping complete and accurate accounts of all income and expenses related to PTA activities.  A more in depth list of responsibilities are listed here.  Please know, we will not be able to spend money that has been raised, unless we have a PTA Treasurer; it is critical that we fill this volunteer position.

Solar Panel Project - PGE opened a grant for districts to move to Solar Energy in the spring.  Our district will save quite a bit of money moving in this direction.  Through the process of evaluation of each site and the several layers of approvals, it has been decided, Solar Panels will be installed early fall.  Although this is an incredible opportunity, we also understand traffic and parking will be significantly impacted at Loyola School and across the district.  The school and PTA are working together on a plan, with the assistance of Green Town to reduce the traffic and parking impact. This plan will require more carpooling, riding bikes, scootering and walking to and from school.  Please stay tuned for more information and specific dates construction will happen.

Lunch Volunteer Coordinator still needed.  We have someone to coordinate with our lunch program vendor, however we are still looking for someone to help with training volunteers and ensuring we have volunteers for our program.  Please let me know if you can help out.

Positions for hire

The following positions are available for hire.  Please let me know if you or you know someone who may be interested:

  • Kindergarten Aide

  • Transitional Kindergarten Aide

  • Yard Duty positions

  • Afternoon Traffic Valet


We have been contacted by some of you regarding the CAASPP reports.  This past spring, students in grades 3 - 6 took the state standardized assessment.  Results are trickling into the district office.  There is a requirement that the parent copy be mailed home within 20 days of the receipt of the LASD copy.  The reports have not all come at once. This occurred last year as well.  It is possible that you will receive a report for one of your children before the rest. Some reports last year didn’t arrive until December.


August 2, 2017

I hope the summer has been good for you and your family. Over the past month, I have been working with our Human Resource department and other administrators to find the staff needed for our 2017-2018 school year. Staffing has remained consistent over the summer, except one position, Mrs. Norisa Ramos-Rojas, will not be joining our staff this year, however Dr. Frances Lai will join our team instead, as the school psychologist. We are still working on our English Language Support teacher position. I can’t wait to see you and your children on August 16. Stay tuned for more information.


Transitional Kindergarten
Rm 1 Ellen St. Amand
Rm 2 Melanie Haddad
Rm 9 Natalie Miceli
First Grade
Rm 10 Charity Mastropietro
Rm 11 Philina Lin
          Second Grade
Rm 8 Leslie Rainforth
Rm 17 Song Mori
Third Grade
Rm 7 Tracy Grinberg
Rm 4 Monica Morosin
Rm 5 Erin Newman
          Fourth Grade
Rm 15 Janet Taylor
Rm 16 Caitlin Florek
Fifth Grade
Rm 21 Tessa Chen
Rm 22 Esther Cho
Rm 23 Deb Longo/Jen Dorn
          Sixth Grade
Rm 18 Zeb Wilkes
Rm 19 Leslie Becker
Rm 20 Gina McDonell
Special Education Staff
RSP – Katie Hurst
Lower SDC – Ami Lutz
Upper SDC – Ann Baum
Speech, Language/Social-Sheri Laramie
          STEM Instructional Support Teacher
Grace Choi
Literacy Instructional Support Teacher
Rebecca Taylor
English Language Support
          School Psychologist
Dr. Frances Lai

Kimberly Attell, Principal


2016-17 Messages

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