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  • Movie Nights: Mark your calendar with movie night date for some family fun.
    •  12/6/2013   6pm -8:30pm
  • Lost & Found: Please check for your child's belongings in the lost and found cart.  We will be donating unclaimed items to charity right after Thanksgiving break. Thank you! Monica and Araceli
  •  Hot Lunch: It's time to order Lunch for November from the LunchMaster. Many new entrees to check out, including baked Raviolis and Soup! Just go to and place your order. Don't forget to "confirm order and checkout" to make sure your meal is actually ordered. Thanks for supporting this Loyola Fundraiser, and letting us serve you and your children! Any Questions? Please contact the LunchMaster at (650) 596-8008·
  • The Drama Committee is pleased to announce Willy Wonka Jr. as the Loyola Spring Musical for 2014. This is a fun production with many great parts for students of all ages.  The show will be performed on 3/27, 3/28, 3/29 and 3/30. Auditions will be held after school on Monday 12/2 and Wednesday 12/4.  Some students may be called back on Monday 12/9 for additional auditions at the Director’s request. Students should prepare a 1 minute dialogue and a 1 minute song for the audition.  All who audition will be cast. To sign up for an audition slot, please go to: ​ Please bring a completed Audition Form and Code of Conduct form for each student as well as payment to the audition.  Here is a link to the forms: Audition Form. & Code of Conduct.  The cost to participate is $130 for the first child in a family and $100 for each additional child. We will have the first read through of the full script on Wednesday 12/11.  Rehearsals will start in January and will be held Mon, Wed, Thu after school in the Loyola Multi.  If you have any questions, please contact Erin Eggleton at or Maureen Kelly at




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