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SDC Teacher
Soraya Clavano

I never thought I would be an educator, but I’m glad I took this path! I always wanted to work with kids, understand them, and help them reach their full potential. I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines. I wanted to become a Child Psychologist, but being an eldest among four siblings, I opted to help my parents and worked as a Guidance Counselor instead, at a college in the city. A year later, I got promoted as a Student Affairs Officer. When I heard that the US was hiring Special Education teachers, I quickly enrolled in a Professional Education Program and a Master’s Program for Special Education at Cebu Normal University. I continued to work in the day to gain more experience and went to school at night to reach my goal. I passed the interviews and ended up in Prince George’s County, Maryland, where I taught for two years and an in-home Behavior Therapist for seven years. When I moved to California, I worked as a Behavior Therapist or Behavior Technician for our school district. When our supportive Special Ed Director and Special Ed Coordinator learned about my teaching background, they encouraged me to teach again. Here I am now in my third year of teaching with our adorable and amazing Lower SDC students at Loyola, ES. I did not become a Child Psychologist, but I became more than that! I did not just teach these fantastic kids, but I helped mold them into self-sufficient human beings with all my love and support.

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